About Tools in ISP

The Tools tab contains options for both basic and complex tasks needed for data integrity. Below are help files for the options found under the Tools tab.


ai@ISP is an intelligent bot that will help you manage your work and take care of mundane tasks for you so you can focus on what’s important.

BCC Emails

If you are emailing an entity outside of ISP, use the BCC Emails option to automatically log the email in Communications.

Calendar Feeds

Calendar Feeds utilizes iCalendar, a protocol which allows you to store and exchange calendaring and scheduling information with your personal calendar, whether that’s through Gmail, Outlook, or a different calendar.

Call Time

Use Call Time to create a call script for each of your users, as well as set what they can see and/or edit in entity and transaction records.

Check Requests

The Check Requests page will contain any and all emailed requests for checks to cover expenses.

Combine Duplicates

The Combine Duplicates page allows you to view potential duplicates in your database using various search criteria. You can then determine whether you want to combine them, as well as customizing what data is merged, or determining if the two records listed are not duplicates.

Drip Campaigns

Drip Campaigns allows you to create a series of emails to go out over a set and staggered period of time. For example, if you have an upcoming fundraising event, ISP can automatically send emails over several days leading up to the event to provide reminders and more information about the event.

Link Spouses

The Link Spouses page lists records that could potentially be joined as spouses.

Quick Emails

Instead of sending out emails to an entire email list, use Quick Emails to contact individuals on a one-at-a-time basis.

Quick Imports

Used to import data via various formatting options.

Rocket Management

The Rocket mobile app for ISP allows you to manage call time, track progress, and follow up with donors and constituents. This page within ISP gives you the ability to control how the call time app operates.


Using Tickets, you can track any of your community member’s issues
directly from your database. Add tickets to individual records and keep
track of open/close status.

Email integrations allow you to communicate directly with the individual about their issue.

Time Tracking

The Time Tracking System allows you to track staff and/or volunteers’ hours spent working on your campaign.

Pledges & Targets

Use the Pledges & Targets section to add either a Pledge or Target to the record. These are used for setting financial goals and meeting them.

Third Party Donations

The Third Party Donations section allows users to add donations to Third Party recipients.

Elected Officials

The Elected Officials section contains all elected officials from Federal to Local offices, all based on the Primary address in the record. These are automatically pulled by the system.


The Membership tool allows you to your track your members, including join dates.

You can track as many different membership types as you want. Mange your membership types by going to Lists > Membership Types.

JFC Management

The JFC Management tool gives you a series of specialized tracking systems for managing a Joint Fundraising Committee and allocating donations between the participating committees.

Carey Accounts

Carey Committees (also known as a Hybrid PACs) maintains one bank account for making contributions in connection with federal elections and a separate “non-contribution account” for making independent expenditures. ISP’s Carey Account tools allow you to handle the tracking and appropriate reporting for this seperate account.

IRS Reports

This tool adds the IRS 8872 report to your Compliance Reports.

Preserve Older Occupation & Employer

By default, old information is overwritten with new information during imports and duplicate combining. With this tool installed, old Occupation & Employer info will remain and not be overwritten by new information.

Preserve Older Address

By default, new information assumed to be better during imports and duplicate combining. With this tool, the older address will remain the Primary address.

Compliance Report Excel Export

This tool allows you to download your compliance report in Excel format containing the same data as is included in the e-filing. This option will be found at the bottom of the screen after generating the compliance report.

While not valid for filing, viewing in Excel can be useful for reviewing data in bulk.


Use the Events tool to track fundraising events and opportunities, as well as donors and their donations.

International Addresses

International Addresses allows you to add addresses from numerous countries around the world.

Florida 106.0701 Reporting

Creates and keeps updated an HTML report that meets 106.0701 requirements. This report can be included in your website via an iFrame. See our help file for more information.

Soft Credits

Do you have a group of ambassadors that help you raise money?

The soft credit system allows you to track and credit these valuable fundraisers.

External ID Tracking

The External Data Sources tool allows you to track ID Numbers and other identifiers from external software programs and data sources. This tool will add a new section to Individual and Organization records where you can add more details.

Form Builder

The Form Builder tool gives you more control when building and creating forms for volunteers and other similar purposes. Logos, customized emails, and other important features are available to you when building a new form.

Call Sheets

Generate detailed reports designed for making fundraising phone calls. You can include Flag names or descriptions on the call sheet, as well as Key Stats that provide important donation details for the individual you’ll be connecting with.

Print Envelopes

Print envelopes from individual and organization records.


If you are using an outside source to manage donors and donor contact info, you can use Webhooks to transmit that data from ISP to the data housing program you’re using. Donation and basic donor contact info will be captured with Webhooks and sent to your source in near real time.

Marketing Link Builder

The Marketing Link Builder assists you in creating and tracking marketing links.


Use Reminders to make sure you and your staff are keeping up with constituent communication. You can assign Reminders to different staff and provide dates to be sure they don’t miss the contact.


The Calendar tool is a simple scheduling solution that will be integrated into ISP. From here, you can add and track important dates and the staff involved.


The Units tool allows a client to sub-divide their database, including security and financial reporting. This commonly would be used for large organizations that have divisions, such as regional chapters, while still running everything within a single legal entity.


Support headshots for Individual records

Multi-Dimensional Budgeting

Allows tracking of financial activity on more than one dimension.

Recommended only for larger organizations, such as those that have regions and large departments.


Ratings are a way of ranking members or entity in your database. For example, use this tool to rank your more active Volunteers.