What Are Carey Committees and Carey Accounts?
A Carey Committee, sometimes known as a hybrid PAC, is a committee that can make Independent Expenditures in unlimited amounts but still has limits on money they can give directly to other campaigns and committees. Carey Committees are required to maintain separate bank accounts for the two types of expenditures.
ISP’s Carey Account tool allows you to handle the tracking and appropriate reporting for this separate account.
If your PAC is a hybrid/Carey Committee, add the Carey Account tool via the Add/Remove Tools option under the Tools tab.
To ensure the correct Financial Account in ISP is used for Carey transactions, go to the Financial Accounts option under the Lists tab. On the resulting page, click the name of the account used for Carey transactions and click the Carey Non-Contribution option. This option is also available when creating new Financial Accounts.
Transactions associated with this account will pull to the appropriate lines on the FEC Form 3X.
Inkind Contributions associated with Carey accounts are supported but require a bit of additional data entry. If you want Inkind want to pull as a Carey Inkind, add the tag Carey Inkind to each transaction.