About the MA Municipal Periodic Report
The MA Municipal Periodic Report is for Candidates in Municipalities with Populations under 65,000 and is not part of the Depository filing system. This includes PACs, candidates, and candidates of local offices under a population of 65,000.
Schedule Groups
- Schedule A Receipts: Any receipts that are in the aggregate of $50 or more in a calendar year.
- Schedule B Disbursements: Any expenditures that are in the aggregate of $50 or more in a calendar year. Lines 12-14 will reflect the total of all expenditures in excess of $50.
- Schedule C In-Kind Contributions: Any in-kind contributions that are in the aggregate of $50 or more in a calendar year. If the contribution is $200 or more then the contributor’s occupation and employer are to be reported alongside.
- Schedule D Liabilities: Any amount of debts that are active on the last day of the prior reporting period.
- Schedule E Disclosure of Asset Statement: Year-end reports and dissolution reports. Assets of $1,000 or more during the reporting will be itemized.
To file, download the generated report and log in to the state’s Campaign Finance System.