About the FEC Form 5 Report
The Form 5 is only filed by Non-Committee filers. For Political Committee filers, use the Form 24-IE or the Form 48-IE.
The FEC Form 5 Report is for reporting independent expenditures made and contributions received to be used by persons other than political committees. Independent expenditures aggregating in excess of $250 in a calendar year must report on this report. In order for these reports to work, both Expenses and Estimated Expenses need Support/Oppose Memos with either IE to Support or IE to Oppose.
Note that if a transaction has been reported on a Form 3/3x that has been marked as filed, that transaction will not pull to a Form 5.
Version Differences
- 24-Hour Report: Persons who make independent expenditures aggregating $1,000 or more towards a given election after the 20th day but more than 24 hours before the day of the election must file this version.
- 48-Hour Report: Persons who make independent expenditures aggregating $10,000 or more towards a given after-election outside of the 20 days before an election must be reported on this report.
- Quarterly: Persons making independent expenditures over $250 in aggregation will need to report that on this report.