What Is the “Itemize Cross-Period Conduit Contributions Based on Split Date” Checkbox?

Applies To: California – Candidate Committees, Political Action Committees (PACs), Party Committees

Some filers want to show Conduit Contributions based on the original contribution date vs when the contribution was transferred to / received by the Filer Committee.

This new checkbox allows for that! If you check this box, any split monetary contribution when the whole has tag “Conduit-Conduit Check” will pull to the report based on the split date rather than the whole  (see the “How Do I Enter Conduit and Earmarked Transactions?” page for additional information if needed)

This option really only impacts the split contributions are dated in the current period, with the whole dated in the next future period.

If you decide to use this option, this MUST be used for all report periods – this option cannot be toggled on or off depending on the data for a specific report period, as this option impacts starting and ending cash on hand.

In addition, if you have already filed reports, selecting this option could negatively impact your starting and ending cash on hand. You may need to file amendments of all previously filed reports with the new checkbox checked in order to assure your cash on hand is correct.