What Is Cross-Account Check Printing in Consulting Tools?

On the Cross-Account Check Printing page, you can batch print checks for the various databases you manage. This allows you to print numerous checks from one screen.

In the Settings section at the top, you can determine the starting check number for each of the accounts you have to print checks for, as well as determine which Check Format you’d like to use. 

Below the Settings section will be the list of checks available to print. It will show the Account Name where the expense lives, the Date of the expense, the Amount, and the Election associated with the expense. You can select and deselect which checks you want to print and which you want to ignore. To select or deselect all the checkboxes at once, click the checkbox in the section header on the far left.

At the bottom of the screen is the Print Checks button to begin printing the checks. You can also click Approve Checks Only. This process allows you to bulk approve checks in case the user printing the checks needs approval first.