Wrong FEC Password Error Troubleshooting

Applies To: Federal Election Commission

If you receive an error regarding an incorrect password when filing your FEC report, there are a few things to consider and try

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset that on the FEC Forgot Password page.

First, verify you can log into the FEC webforms site. If it works, that means the password is valid.

Next, confirm the committee ID is correct in the committee record in ISP. This information is located in the Committee Info section. If you need to update it, click the triangle in the top right corner of the section.

If you have your password saved in ISP, check the Password Safe to be sure the password is correct. Password Safe will show after you generate the report and click the e-file button.

If these are correct, try filing again. Maintenance or a communication problem with the FEC submission servers can happen and sometime can result in an invalid password message. Waiting a short while then trying again might yield different results.

If the above aren’t the cause or don’t correct the issue, try filing directly with the Webform link above. If it works, it may be a there was a server communication issue when you attempted to file.

The last option would be to contact the FEC. If there is an issue with the e-filing and/or the password, they will be able to assist directly with the issue.