What Is the File Compliance Reports Page in Consultant Tools?

If you manage multiple accounts, it can be tricky to keep up with all the Compliance reports you have to file. Using the File Compliance Reports page for Consultants, you can efile them all at the same time.

From within the specific database, generate the report and when you have confirmed all the details are correct, click the Save for Filing button. After you have generated the various reports you need to file, navigate to this page under the Consultant Tools dropup menu. On the resulting page you’ll see several columns.

Account Name: This column displays the Account in which you generated your report.

Agency: The Agency column tells you which filing agency the report will be filed to.

Report Name: This line of info provides several pieces of information. It will show you the account’s schema name, the abbreviation for the filer name, which report it is, and the date range. 

Generated: This shows the date and timestamp for when the report was generated. 

In the hot dog menu to the right of each report are options for downloading the report. You can download the PDF or the efile. It also contains an option to mark the report as filed, if that step was missed at some point along the way. 

To e-file the report, click the E-file button.