What Are Key Statistics?

Key Statistics are important points of financial data that allow you to quickly view and ascertain transaction history, as well as provide insight into donation trends. These statistics can be found both on the Dashboard as entire database summaries and on an individual basis at the top of each entity record.

Key Statistics: Dashboard

The Key Statistics section on the Dashboard gives you a broad sense of what is happening in your database. You’ll see statistics for record counts and monetary values, including total donations broken down by entity type.

Included in this section are donation summary totals for each active election you have in your database. This includes both how many donors have contributions towards that election and also the amount of donations with that election associated. You can also view a total dollar amount contributed to that election.

The Key Statistics section on the Dashboard is customizable. In the top right corner, click the option to set a date range of Key Statistics.

Key Statistics: Entity Record

Key Statistics within records are customizable to allow you to view any or all of the statistics you prefer to see. In order to adjust what key statistics you see, click the wrench icon in the Key Stats section of any record.

There is a wide array of statistics to include in the Key Stats area of a record. Below are a few examples and descriptions. If you have any questions on any Key Stats not described below, please contact Support.

Elections: Besides calculations of statistics involving averages, many totals are based on the Elections in your database. When it comes to the Per-Election/Year checkboxes, these will only show if there are any applicable transactions for that combination of filer and election.

For example, if in the database there are four elections but one of them was a recent addition and no transactions have been tied to that election, only three of the elections and their totals will be displayed in the Key Stats area. The election with no transactions will not show up, even if the checkbox is checked, until a transaction has been added to the record with that election.

If transactions have been associated with a Non-Election, these will be calculated and displayed as yearly totals instead of election totals (i.e. Primary, General, etc.).

Max to Limits: The Max to Limits calculations will show you how much more a donor has left before they reach the threshold for that specific election. This will allow you an opportunity to ensure they don’t cross the donation limit when adding a new transaction while within the record.

MIA: These totals are based on the total previously given by a donor vs. the total for the current election or election cycle. However, if there are no donations to previous elections, the MIA totals will not appear. You can also find and export this data using Advanced Search (add link).

You also have the option of creating a Key Statistics Scheduled Report. This allows you to have a report sent automatically to any staff in your database based on a specific time range. Click here for more information on Scheduled Reports. (add link)