How Do I Add and Report Negatives in Deposit Batches?

Applies To: Washington

When it comes to negative refunds and WA reporting, they will only show on the C4 report, not the C3.

To create the refund, navigate to the transaction in question either in the record or the Register, then select Add Refund from the hot dog menu to the right of the transaction.

After you’ve added the refund to the system, in the Register locate the deposit you need to add the refund to and click it to open up the details. On the resulting page, click the Add Deducted Fees button at the bottom of the screen.

In the options, select Existing Refund. A window will pop up and from there you will select the refund transaction you just created to add to the deposit. Only refunds within 7 days prior of the deposit date will show.

When you generate the C4 report, your refund will show on Schedule A in the Expenditures section.