How Do I Locate Donors Over the Limit?

There are a couple of different ways to locate donors that are potentially over the legal limit. The easiest option is to click on Reports and then Compliance Tools. On this page, there is a report called Check Transaction Limits. Using this report, you can select your chosen date range and easily view transactions that may be over the limit.

You can also use Advanced Search to find these donors. The specific rules would depend on your agency, but the following three-part search is typical.

Part 1: Limit to Individuals

  • Area: Entities
  • Field: Entity Type
  • Relationship: Is Any Of
  • Value: Individual.

Click Add Rule.

Part 2: Limit to the Current Election

  • Area: Contributions (this includes monetary, inkind, and refunded contributions)
  • Field: Election
  • Relationship: Is Any Of
  • Value: (select your current election) 

Click Add Rule.

Part 3: Limit by Total Contributed

  • Area: Contributions
  • Field: Total Value
  • Relationship: Is More Than
  • Value: (limit amount)

For example, if the limit on contributions from individuals is $2700.00, in the value field, you would enter $2700.

Click Add Compound Rule. 

Adding as a compound rule is necessary to ensure that the amount is limited to only the election you selected in part 2.

Using your Search

To generate the report, click the Run Search button at the bottom.

If you plan to run this specific search frequently, click Save & Run Search. This will allow you to give the search a notable name and save it as a Saved Search. To locate it later, click the Saved Search button and select the saved search from the menu that appears.