How Do I Set up the Numero Integration?

Numero is a credit card processing option that seamlessly integrates with ISP. Numero provides their clients with personalized onboarding to help them get set up and running one their integration with the compliance software is complete. This integration is for campaign fundraising and call time software for Democrats.

When new donations are processed, we pull that data from Numero via an API. If it is a recurring monthly donation, Numero will provide us with the new donation each month. From our standpoint, nothing in the information we receive indicates it being recurring. We also don’t do any sort of pre-entry because recurring donations sometimes fail or are canceled.

How Do I Add the Numero Integration?

1. Go to the Integrations tab and select Add/Remove Integrations.
2. Search for Numero or you can scroll through the available integrations until you reach the Numero.
3. When the search populates the integration, click to install it on your ISP database.
4. After adding the integration to your ISP database you will need to email Numero at to complete the setup. Please remember they will need the short account name of your ISP account.
5. Once the integration is set up, there will be a Numero integration page under the Integrations menu. On this page, you can view how many transactions have come through so far. You can also determine whether you want Expenses to import, Contributions to import, or both.