How Do I Meet Florida’s 106.0701 Reporting Requirements in ISP?

Applies To: Florida

Florida Statute 106.0701 requires that candidates for certain offices who solicit contributions for 527 Political Organizations or 501(c)(4)s must report those contributions received and expenditures made on their website within 5 business days.

We’ve created a way to meet these requirements via a tool in the Tools tab. This will provide a HTML page with Contributions and Expenditures to meet those requirements and it is updated every night by our AI system.

How do I add the FL reporting tool?

    1. Navigate to Tools > Add/Remove Tools
    2. Locate the tool called Florida 106.0701 Reporting and click to add it  
    3. You will receive an email no later than the next day with a link to the HTML page you can use

If you don’t have any transactions entered that would pull for this report, an email with the link will not be sent until that criteria is met.

The link will look something like this:[LowercaseShortDisplayName]/FL1060701.html

These links are case-sensitive. Be sure you copy it directly from the email.

If needed, please refer to your website provider for specific instructions on how to add custom HTML into your website design.

We recommend you embed this in an iFrame on your webpage to satisfy the reporting requirement and to make full use of the automation done by AI. The AI automation will keep this page current with the data in your account.

Sample code of what it will look like in an iFrame:

<iframe src=”[LowercaseShortDisplayName]/FL1060701.html” title=”FL106.0701″></iframe>

Example with an ISP account name in it:

<iframe src=”” title=”FL106.0701″></iframe>

How to embed this code into your webpage can vary slightly between providers, but here is a link to one explaining the process: