How Do I Locate Foreign Addresses Using Advanced Search?

If you’re looking for foreign addresses in your database, below is an Advanced Search recipe you can use to locate them.

  • Area: Addresses
  • Field: State
  • Relationship: Is Any Of
  • Value: Blank
Note: Select the blank option from the Value drop-down menu rather than leaving it blank. The blank option appears at the top of the drop-down menu and, once selected, will appear in the Value box as a lowercase x within a square.

After you click the Add Rule button to add it to the Search Criteria section, you can generate the list of foreign addresses using either the Run Search button or the Exports & Actions button. The latter button will allow you to export the data to a spreadsheet to view and sort more detailed information.

If you plan to generate this list regularly, click the Save & Run Search button to save the search criteria for future use. This will prevent the need to add the same criteria every time you want to generate this list. After you have named the search, you’ll see the search name in the drop-up menu of the Saved Searches button.