How Do I Add an Election?

Elections are an important part of any financial transaction, as well as Compliance and reporting. Without them, you’ll be unable to perform various important tasks, such as adding new transactions or setting up your Filer for compliance reports. What elections to add will depend on your committee and activity.

1. Navigate to Lists, then to Elections
2. At the bottom of the screen, click Add Election
3. Enter the Election Date and select an Election Type

When adding a new election, the Active Filer field is useful for when you have multiple filers in your database. This will add or exclude specific elections from certain monetary calculations, such as Room to Max values or other AI calculations. You can also use this feature if you’re supporting campaign in other primaries but not running in those elections.

PACs and other non-candidate committees usually have a need to record donations or expenses not associated with a specific election. If this applies to you, use Non-Election as the Election Type. Transactions using Non-Election will aggregate based on the year as opposed to an election cycle.
Each year is treated as a different aggregate calculation, so you only need to add it once.

Accepting Voluntary Limits

If your candidate is in California and accepting the Voluntary Expenditure Limits, click the checkbox next to Accepting Voluntary Limits. This lets the system know this special case applies to reporting for the election you’re creating.