How Do Allocations Appear on the FEC Form 3X Report?
When Allocations are created in the system, they will pull to the FEC Form 3X report. However, the specific report location will depend on the data entry used to create the Allocation types.
Schedule H1: This schedule typically appears on the 1st report of the year (Feb Monthly or April Quarterly) or if there is a new allocation.
Schedule H2: This schedule only appears if there is a transaction with a new (or updated) Direct Candidate Support or Direct Fundraising allocation in the period.
Schedule H3: This schedule appears if there is a transfer from Non-Federal to Federal with any of the Non-Levin Allocation Types. In addition, Prohibited Inkind Contributions appear on this schedule.
Schedule H4: This schedule itemizes all expenses with the Non-Levin Allocation Types. The report will automatically create the Federal / Non-Federal Amounts as appropriate to the allocation.
Schedule H5: This schedule appears if there is a transfer from Non-Federal to Federal with any of the Levin Allocation Types. This schedule is only available to Party filers.
Schedule H6: This schedule itemizes all expenses with the Levin Allocation Types. This schedule is only available to Party filers.