How Can I Force-Itemize Transactions Below the Itemization Threshold?

The Bulk Update tool allows you to itemize transactions regardless of their amount.

  1. Click the Reports menu and then click Financial.
  2. Select the Transactions report from the Report drop-down menu.
  3. Now, you need to set up a report to isolate the transactions you’re trying to itemize. For example, if you want to itemize five Expenses from April that are $100 each, you’d input Expense as the Transaction Type and $0-$100 for the Amount Range field.
  4. Once you’ve set up a report to isolate the transactions, hit Generate. Scroll down to the results and verify that the correct transactions have been isolated.
  5. If everything looks good, hit Actions and then Bulk Update.
  6. Hit Update again and then hit Update Force Itemize.