Compliance Errors and Descriptions in ISP

When working in ISP, you may encounter compliance report errors based on data in your database. Below is a list of the errors you may see. The full description of each error is available within the application by holding your mouse over the question mark icon next to the error.

Allocation used with Non-Levin State Account

There is an allocation associated with the transaction and the financial account is a non-federal account. Please remove the allocation from the transaction or update the financial account.

Amendment Not Marked As Amendment

The dates on this report correspond to dates on a report that was Marked as Filed. Please regenerate the report with the Amended box checked.

Contribution from Couple

This contribution may be attributed to more than one person. Campaign finance rules require that contributions be attributed to only one person or have the amount split between each individual.

Dependent Support/Oppose Memos Unequal to Amount

The total of the Support/Oppose memos does not equal the amount of the parent transaction. Please confirm, as this may impact proper reporting.

Disallowed PO Box

You are required to report an address other than a PO Box. Please set another address as the Primary Reportable address.

Disallowed Reporting Description

Your reporting description is considered insufficient by your agency. Please add a more explanatory description.

Duplicate ID number in e-filing: ####

This is a critical system error and will prevent e-filing your report. Please contact ISP support for immediate assistance.

Employer must be longer than 2 characters

Your efiling will be rejected because this field is too short. Please review your entry and update as appropriate.

Expense to Candidate

You have entered an expense to a candidate. Your expense should be to the actual recipient of the funds. This would generally be their political committee.

Filer must be a Committee

You must set your filing organization as a political committee before filing a report. You can do that from the Committee Info section of its record.

Has Split in Future

This transaction has a split that is dated after the close of the current reporting period. Please confirm the date of the split as this may impact proper reporting.

Has Support/Oppose Memo in Future

This transaction has a dependent Support/Oppose memo that is dated after the close of the current reporting period. Please confirm this is expected.

Individual without Candidate Relationship

This individual is not linked to a political committee via a candidate relationship. This is needed for proper reporting of committee information.

Interest Rate is Required

Your loan must include the interest rate.

Invalid FEC Candidate Office Sought ID Number

Please check the Candidate ID Number. You’ll find it in the Candidate section in the candidate’s record. The number you have does not appear to be valid.

Invalid FEC Candidate Office Sought ID Number

The ID number for this candidate is not in a valid format. Candidate IDs have the structure: H9CA12345. Enter the correct ID in the Candidate Info section of the candidate’s record.

Invalid FEC Committee ID Number

The ID number you have entered for your filer committee appears to be wrong. Please confirm and update it. You can do that from the Committee Info section of its record.

Invalid GA Committee ID Number

The ID number you have entered for your filer committee appears to be wrong. Please confirm and update it. You can do that from the Committee Info section of its record.

Invalid MA Committee ID Number

The ID number you have entered appears to be wrong. Please confirm and update it. You can do that from the Committee Info section of its record.

Invalid MN Committee ID Number

The ID number you have entered for your filer committee appears to be wrong. Please confirm and update it. You can do that from the Committee Info section of its record.

Invalid Zip Code

The Zip Code is not a valid Zip Code. Please verify the correct Zip Code is in use and regenerate your report.

Itemized Other Entity

An Other Entity (such as Anonymous or Bookkeeping) is itemized. Please ensure that is expected.

Mis-Matched Current Election/Report Period

The reporting period you’ve selected does not match the election you’ve selected. Please regenerate with corrected settings.
NOTE: This error may appear in different variations, depending on the report period.

Mis-Matched Original/Dependent

The transaction is associated with a financial account that corresponds to a different filer than the transaction. It must be associated with the same filer to ensure proper reporting.
NOTE: This error may appear in different variations, depending on the transaction type.

Missing Relationship

This entity has no relationships. At least one is required for proper reporting.

Missing Support/Oppose Memos

This is an expense that has either (a) a reporting code for political donations or (b) is a to political committee. Typically these expenses include a Support/Oppose Memo. If this expense was for your own candidate or committee rather than to support/oppose another, you can ignore this warning. If it was to support/oppose another candidate or committee, we would recommend adding a support/oppose memo.

No transactions were itemized for filing on this report.

This report does not need to be filed if blank.

Non-Levin Allocation used with Levin Account

The Allocation associated with the transaction is not designated as Levin while the financial account is marked as Levin. Please remove the Allocation from the transaction or update the financial account.

Non-Numeric Committee ID Number

Please make sure you have entered your committee’s ID number. It should be entered as a number without any letters or symbols in the Committee Info section of its record.

Non-WY Committee

The ID number for this committee is not recognized by Wyoming SoS. Please enter this entity manually on the state website.

Occupation in Employer Field

There is a common occupation entered for this individual’s employer. We recommend reviewing to make sure the values aren’t transposed or incorrect.

Occupation must be longer than 2 characters

Your efiling will be rejected because this field is too short. Please review your entry and update as appropriate.

Previous General Election Date can not have a date later than the From Date.

The Previous General Election Date must be before the reporting period. If your period includes a general election, regenerate this report, using the General Election Date prior to the reporting period.

Prohibited Entity: Financial Institution/Credit Card Issuer

This transaction appears to be disallowed by campaign finance law. Please review and contact your agency for further guidance.

Required Address

A full address is required. Please review and correct any missing or incorrect address info.

Required Candidate

The candidate must be linked to the filer committee via Candidate / Candidate Of in the Relationship section of the candidate’s record.

Required Candidate Office Sought

Please set the Office Sought for your candidate in the Candidate Info section of the candidate’s record.

Required Candidate Office Sought District Number

A district number is required. Please update the Candidate Info section of the candidate’s record.

Required Candidate Office Sought ID Number

Please set the Candidate ID Number in the Candidate Info section of the candidate’s record.

Required Candidate Office Sought Office Name

Office Sought is required. Please update the Candidate Info section of the candidate’s record.

Required Candidate State

Ensure the State dropdown has a state selected in the Candidate Info section of your candidate’s record.

Required Committee Address

You are missing an address for your filer committee. Please add an address to the Address section of your filer committee record.

Required Committee Email Address

You are missing an email address for your filer committee. Please add an email address to the Emails section in your filer committee’s record.

Required Committee ID

You must enter your committee’s ID number before filing a report. Please update the Committee Info section of your committee’s record.

Required Committee ID Number

This political committee is missing their ID number. Please update the Political Committee section of their organization record.

Required EIN Number

The EIN is required. Please update the Business Info section of the organization’s record.

Required Election

An election is required. Please make sure you select one.

Required Employer

This individual does not have an employer on their record. Please add this information and regenerate the report.

Required Filer Email Address

You are missing an email address for your filer. Please add an email address to the Emails section in your filer committee’s record.

Required Industry

You are required to report an industry. Click the green triangle to the right of the organization’s name to add the industry.

Required Name

This Individual has a blank name. Please enter their name and regenerate the report.

Required Note for Compliance

This transaction requires a reporting description. Please add a description to the Compliance Note field.

Required Occupation

This individual does not have an occupation on their record. Please add this information and regenerate the report.

Required Party

Please set the Party for your candidate/committee in the Candidate Info section of the candidate’s record or the Committee Info section of the committee’s record.

Required Political Committee Type

Please update the Type in the Committee Info section of the committee’s record.

Required Recordkeeper

The recordkeeper must be linked to the filer committee via Recordkeeper / Recordkeeper Of in the Relationships section of the entity record. For federal candidate committees, a Recordkeeper Relationship is required.

Required Recordkeeper Address

You are missing an address for your recordkeeper.

Required Reporting Code

A reporting code is required for this transaction.

Required Transaction Method

The transaction method is required.

Required Transaction Number

The transaction number is required.

Required Treasurer

The treasurer must be linked to the committee via Treasurer / Treasurer Of in the Relationships section of the entity record.

Required Treasurer Address

You are missing an address for your treasurer.

Required Work Address

A full work address is required. Please add it to the individual record.

Required Work City/State

A work city and state are required. Please add it to the individual record in the Addresses section.

Required: Candidate Info: Office Sought ID Number

This field is required for efiling. Please verify the data is correct or completed and regenerate your report.

Required: [Field Name]

This field is required for efiling. Please verify the data is correct or completed and regenerate your report.

Self-Employed is Invalid Employer

Self-Employed is not an accepted employer. Please replace with the name of the business.

Starting Cash On Hand not equal to Ending Cash on Hand on Previous Filed Report

When comparing this report to the previous period’s report on the FEC’s website, we found this calculation difference. If you just filed an amendment to that report, it may not yet be updated on the FEC site and this can be ignored.

Starting Date does not align with Ending Date on Previous Filed Report – Check Date Range

Your report is not one day after your previously filed report. Please confirm that you’re using the right dates.

State Does Not Match Zip Code

The zip code and state do not match. Please correct the address in the record and regenerate your report.

Support/Oppose memo to candidate committee

Your Support/Oppose Memo has been entered associated with a candidate committee. It must be associated instead with the candidate’s individual record. Be sure the candidate information is filled in.

Support/Oppose memo to non-candidate committee

Your Support/Oppose Memo has been entered associated with a non-candidate committee. If this transaction was not to support/oppose a candidate or ballot measure, it should not be entered as a Support/Oppose Memo.

Support/Oppose memo to non-candidate individual

Your Support/Oppose Memo has been entered associated with an individual who is not marked as a candidate. Please ensure the candidate information is filled in.

There is a calculation discrepancy with the current Election Cycle to Date total for [Line #]. Current Election Cycle to Date total should be equal to Period Total plus previously filed Election Cycle to Date Total. 

When comparing this report to the previous period’s report on the FEC’s website, we found this calculation difference. If you just filed an amendment to that report, it may not yet be updated on the FEC site and this can be ignored.

When you see calculation discrepancies, that means transactions on a previously filed report have changed. To view these, navigate to Reports, then Compliance Tools. Run the Changed Transactions report for your older reports to figure out which transactions are causing the error.

There is a critical conflict between report calculations and your register balance.

We have detected a discrepancy with the calculations on the report. Please contact Support so we can help identify issues and ensure accurate filings.

This report contains a Column C based on the reporting period selected

A column C is included when the reporting period includes dates in two different election cycles. If you believe this is incorrect, please double-check the period you’ve selected or consult our help file. More information about the post-general report.

Total of Splits does not Equal Whole Amount

The total of the splits associated with this transaction does not equal the amount of the whole. This could impact your compliance report and corresponding totals. Please confirm the amounts are correct.

Transaction added directly to Financial Account

You have added a transaction directly to a financial account, rather than including it as part of a deposit batch.

Transaction to Own Filer

You have attributed an Accrued Expense to your own committee. Please edit the transaction and attribute it to the individual or organization your transaction was with.
NOTE: This could apply to different transaction types, including Accrued Expense, Expense, Monetary Contribution, Other Income, and Support/Oppose memos.

Unsupported Transaction Type: [Transaction Type]

This transaction type is not currently fully supported. Please contact Support for immediate assistance.
NOTE: This could apply to different transaction types. 

Verify Business Type

Based on keywords in the name of this organization, it’s possible the business type is incorrect. If not, you can ignore this warning.

Verify Committee Type

Based on keywords in the name of this political committee, it’s possible the committee type is incorrect. If not, you can ignore this warning.

Verify LLC Splits

This transaction is from an LLC but no splits have been entered.

Verify Organization Type

Based on keywords in the name of this organization, it’s possible the organization type is incorrect and may need to be set as a Political Committee. If not, you can ignore this warning.

Verify Partnership Splits

This transaction is from a partnership but no splits have been entered.

You have [amount] in unitemized transactions for [Schedule]  This must be manually entered

Your agency does not support uploading of unitemizing transactions and this must be manually entered.

Your report does not have a starting date of [date]

Each reporting period will have its own expected set of dates. Confirm the date range used to generate the report and ensure you have selected the reporting period that matches the dates used.

Your report does not have an ending date of [date]

Each reporting period will have its own expected set of dates. Confirm the date range used to generate the report and ensure you have selected the reporting period that matches the dates used.