ISPolitical: AI changing Accounting Software

In today’s world, upgrading and modernizing are par for the course and not keeping pace means becoming obsolete real quick.. Manufacturing is getting more efficient, computers are faster and smaller than ever, and information is shared at a breakneck pace. But the world of political accounting software hasn’t kept pace. At least, it didn’t. Until we came along. AI Political Accounting Software…Wait, is That a Thing? We just took a giant leap forward in making your life easier by being the first political accounting software company to introduce artificial intelligence. This is going to save you valuable and critical time, money, and effort. With our AI based accounting software, instead of leaving the office at midnight, red-eyed and caffeine addled, maybe you’ll start leaving a few hours sooner, and finish that last slice of pizza you ordered for the interns in the privacy of your own home (radical concept, we…

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Why We Don’t Call our Clients “Users”

It isn’t uncommon for software companies to call their clients “users,” since, well…they “use” their products. But that seems pretty robotic, doesn’t it? I mean, because you’re a person, not a user. You could be a mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, or even that crazy uncle most people only see at Thanksgiving. You’re human. You have emotions. You get angry. You get frustrated. You can be happy. You can be sad. You like and dislike things. When you walk through a park on a sunny day, you smell the grass, feel the sun gently heating your skin. You’re human. Guess what? We’re humans too! That’s a lot we have in common! Why Do Software Companies Call You a “User”? So why do other software companies call you a user? It’s easy. When you’re talking to a software developer, it’s simple to say the ‘user’ does this. They probably…

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7 Ways to Make Filing Deadlines Painless

We all have those horrible, awful days. Days where every single client you have turns their finance reports in at once-the January 31st kind of days. Days where you’re not sure if more caffeine will make your hands shake too much to type, and if that shaking is worth it to keep your eyes from shutting completely. Well, at least I did. That’s why I’ve put together a list of ideas for campaign filing deadlines to make your life much, much easier on those dreadful days-or at least less painless than the dentist’s office. Let’s take a look… 1. Don’t do all of your data entry at once. Procrastinating or letting things pile up have the same ill-effect. By filing daily (or at least weekly), you create a more manageable filing schedule. You don’t want to be running around in panic at the filing deadline, doing work that could have…

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