About the FEC Form 3P Report
The FEC Form 3P Report is required for all candidates running for the Office of President or Vice President to file reports of receipts and disbursements on this report. Any qualifying candidate having received contributions over $50,000 in aggregation, during a calendar year, is required to report that on the Form 3P.
During an election year, if a committee has received or anticipates receiving contributions in the aggregation of $100,000, or makes or anticipates expenditures of $100,000 or more, will file one or more of the following.
Reporting Periods:
- Monthly Report: No later than the 20th day after the last day of the previous month.
- 12-Day Pre-Election: Due no later than the 12th day before the general election in which the candidate seeks election and must include all of the transactions from the closing date of the last report through the 20th day before the election.
- 30-Day Post-General: This report is due no later than 30 days after the general election and will include transactions from the closing date of the last report filed through the 20th day after the general.
The Year End with Column C report period is used by filers that ran in the primary but did not move forward with the general election. Using this reporting period will get Col C to reset the election cycle totals.
To get transactions to lines 20b and 25, ensure the transaction has the tag Fundraising. To get transactions to Lines 20c and 26, ensure the transaction has an Exempt Legal And Accounting tag. To get transactions to Line 29, make sure the transaction has the tag Other Disbursement.