About Seattle Low-Cost Fundraisers
Low-cost fundraisers are defined by Washington as certain types of events with the sole purpose of generating small contributions. Low-cost fundraisers are reported with the event date, description of the event, and will disclose the lump-sum amount from participants who paid $50 or less.
What are qualifying events?
There are certain events that will qualify as a low-cost fundraiser.
- Retail sales of goods or services at a reasonable approximation of their fair market value
- Gambling operations that are conducted in compliance with the state gambling laws
- Food and beverage events where the admission price and or the cost for the food and beverages shall not exceed $25
- Entertainment events where the admission price does not exceed $25
What are disqualification events?
There are certain events that do not qualify as a low-cost fundraiser.
- Goods or services that are being sold at over the market value
- Food, beverage or entertainment events that have an admission price exceeding $25
- Any auction, donation, or similar sale where the item exceeds more than $50
- Any event with no stated admission prices or if a donations are accepted is displayed