What Is ai@ISP in Consultant Tools?

The ai@ISP page for Consultants shows the AI settings for each account you manage. 

When you first land on this page, you’ll see a list of your accounts on the left side. The next column to the right is the Settings column. Here you can edit different settings for AI performed tasks. These will include options like Combine Duplicates, Mark Reports as Filed, and more.

To turn a particular Setting On or Off for all of your accounts, you can click the My Other Accounts button at the bottom of the page.  From this button’s drop-up menu, select Enable On All Accounts. You will see the change reflected in the Settings column for each account. 

In the middle column you’ll also see a link for customizing an Employer/Occupation email that AI can send out. This gives you the ability to create an email requesting Employer and/or Occupation info from entities that are missing that info from their records. 

On the right is column for Recipients. Here you can determine which user on staff will receive AI alerts for that database.