NY Common Import Errors
When uploading your e-file to the state filing system, the importer will validate your e-file one line at a time. It is a time consuming process to go through so please make sure you have fully addressed all the errors and warnings generated by ISP before you upload your e-file.
However, there are some cases where ISP does not fully cover with error checking. Here are some common import errors and how to fix them.
The Election Year (ELECT_YEAR_ID) does not match the value in Filing Period (ELECT_YEAR_ID) and Election (ELECT_YEAR_ID) OR Filing Period (FILING_TYPE_ID) and Election (ELECT_TYPE_ID) in #ROW 1.
This error usually means that the Election and Report Period parameters on your report do not match up correctly. More often than not it’s the Election. Please make sure you have the correct Election chosen for the type of report you are trying to file. For Pre- and Post-Election reports, this means the Election parameter should be set to that election date AND election type. For periodic reports, the Election parameter should be set to the date of the regular election that took place during the reporting period and set to election type Other.
You should also ensure the Report Due Date is correctly set to the filing deadline.
Error has occurred while importing the ExampleFileName.csv Row# XX, TRANS_EXPLNTN.
This error means one of your transactions should have a compliance note but doesn’t. There are many reasons for this but the likeliest causes are either (1) a transaction code used a reporting code that required further explanation, or (2) a transaction is missing a reported transaction method. In the case of #2, transactions without transaction methods are reported as an Other method which requires further explanation.
Unless the transaction method the transaction was made through is not supported on ISP, please make sure all your reported transactions have a transaction method listed.
The Data in Row# XX is not placed correctly.
99% of the time this means that there are commas used as part of an individual’s name. Please update the relevant entity record to remove it.