I Didn’t File My Report, What Should I Do Now?
We understand that sometimes reports are forgotten or get neglected to be filed. If you find yourself in this situation, we have some recommendations on what you should do.
File as soon as you can: In the case of not filing, we recommend to file as soon as you can, even if your report isn’t perfect, filing something is always better than not filing at all. We can always assist in helping you get an amendment filed to clear up discrepancies.
File an amendment: This will hopefully negate the agency noticing a mistake and requesting more information or in a worst case scenario you facing a fine.
Call your agency: If you are in a situation where you haven’t filed and aren’t sure how to proceed with filing, you can always contact your agency to give you guidance on what your next steps should be. Once you have that information, we can help you complete those steps to keep you compliant.