How Do I Report Advances for Travel?

Applies To: Federal Election Commission

During a campaign, an individual sometimes uses their personal funds or personal credit to pay a vendor for a committee expense and is later reimbursed by the committee. This is called an Advance of Personal Funds.

There are different rules depending if it is for Travel or Non-Travel Advance. This helpfile will cover Advances for Travel. Please see this help file for Advances of Personal Funds.

Per the FEC, An individual (including the candidate, a paid staff member or a volunteer) may voluntarily spend up to $1,000 for unreimbursed transportation expenses on behalf of the campaign without making a contribution. However, anything over that amount that is NOT reimbursed is considered an inkind contribution. There are additional rules regarding reimbursement. Please see the FEC page for additional information.

Rules for Reporting Reimbursed Travel Funds

  • If the total travel amount reimbursed is $500 or less, splits are not required. (However, we strongly encourage you to include them).
  • If the total travel amount reimbursed is over $500, splits ARE required.
  • If the reimbursement is not made in the same period, enter the reimbursement to the individual as an Accrued Expense, with the vendors paid as splits. When the individual is reimbursed, record this as an Accrued Expense Payment.

For additional information about reporting, please see the FEC Page on this topic.