How Do I Generate Call Sheets?

Call Sheets allow you to have donor information in front of you when calling potential contributors, including both contact information and donation information. 

There are two ways you can generate Call Sheets, either from within an individual record or in bulk.


If you only need a Call Sheet for a single individual, navigate to that entity’s record and click the Print/Export button at the bottom of the screen. Select Generate Call Sheet. This will create a PDF and begin the download process.

In Bulk

If you need to contact multiple potential donors, you can generate Call Sheets in bulk. This can be done on the Quick Lists page under the Reports tab. 

When you arrive on that screen, select Call Sheets from the Format drop down. You also have a Target drop down that allows you to target specific donors. The default is All, which is every individual in your database, or you can target potential donors based on record type (Individual, Organization, or Political Committee) or other pieces of information found in the record.

If you’d like to filter the results to get them as specific as possible, you can use the Filter By Giving History section. These options are based on financial data specific to transactions, including which Financial Account transactions are in or a Date or Amount range.

You also have the option of excluding certain entities from the list, either by Communication or Flag.

Key Stats

Key Statistics are important points of financial data that allow you to quickly view and ascertain transaction history, as well as provide insight into donation trends. 

To select the four Key Stats you’d like to show on the Call Sheet, on the right side of the screen is an Included Key Stats section. Here you can drag and drop your choices to the top four items. These will display on the Call Sheet from left to right in the order you have them numbered.

When ready, click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen and the call sheets will generate into PDFs you download and save to your computer.