How Do I Efile With Georgia?

Applies To: Georgia

In order to efile with GA, there are a few one-time administrative steps that need to be taken.

To get started, all filers with a FilerID beginning with C, NC, or F must use the EFiling system to file any required reports. If you have not previously registered your account in the EFiling system, you will be required to do so by accessing the Register button.  

All other filers (Lobbyists, Vendor Gifts Disclosures, Qualifying Officers) will use the Legacy EFiling system.

The state has a Campaign Finance Commission University, which has more information on how to register and use a new EFiling account, if needed.  In addition to the University, the Campaign Finance Commission also provides training videos on their YouTube channel.

Once your filer is set up with the state, here are some tips:

  • After you login, go to Import Manager to import your file. Click Import File in the upper right, browse for your file, and name it as you choose.
  • The import can take a while to process, especially on a heavy filing day. We recommend allowing for a few hours, even more if you have a large file (more than 8000 transactions). We have found it goes much smoother if you do not logout while the import is processing.
  • While the import is processing, you can scroll to the right on the import manager, click the hot dog menu, and review your data. You can accept or reject the import.

Please note GA requires us to import all transactions and the itemization calculation is done on the software side.