Denver CFR Line-By-Line

Applies To: Colorado

This is an eFiling-only report for only Expenditures and Contributions for Ballot Measures to be used with the SearchLight portal.

To file your report, you must generate and download your efile to upload to your filing account.

Applies To:

All Monetary and Inkind Contributions and Expenditures


  • Denver efiling does not support the concept of splits
    or memos. Typically states want to see where the money originated/ended
    up, so we itemize splits as cash-impact transactions, and do not itemize
    the whole/parent transaction.
  • Denver efiling does not support the concept of negative transactions, so they are listed as positive receipts on the opposite schedule (ie: reversed receipts as positive expenses; reversed expenses as positive receipts).

Contribution Fields

  • Column A – transaction_date: Required field. List the date that the transaction took place with the format: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Column B – amount:  Required field. Format must be numeral with no currency and at most two decimal places.
  • Column C – entity_type: Required field. Enter either Organization, Individual, or Committee depending on the type of entity
  • Column D – first_name: Required field if entity type is Individual. First name of individual
  • Column E – last_name: Required field if entity type is Individual. Last name of individual
  • Column F – organization_name: Required field if entity type is Organization or Committee. Name of the organization or committee involved in the transaction. A committee name must match a registered Denver committee.
  • Column G – employer: Required field if the entity type is Individual and the individual has contributed $200 or more during the calendar year. Name of the employer of the individual.
  • Column H – occupation: Required field if the entity type is Individual and the individual has contributed $200 or more during the calendar year. Enter the occupation of the individual.
  • Column I – address_1: Required field for the address of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee contributors.
  • Column J – address_2: Optional field. Additional address field for address of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee contributors.
  • Column K – city: Required field for the city of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee contributors.
  • Column L – state: Required field for the state of the organization or individual. Provide the two letter abbreviation for the state. Not applicable to committee contributors.
  • Column M – zip_code: Required field for the zip code of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee contributors.
  • Column N – contribution_type: Required field. Indicate whether the contribution was Monetary or In-kind
  • Column O – monetary_type: Required field if monetary is selected as the contribution type. Indicate whether the contribution is Cash/Coin, Check, Credit/Debit, Cryptocurrency or Other
  • Column P – description: Required field if In-kind is selected as the contribution type. Describe the in-kind contribution received.
  • Column Q – submit_for_public_funding: Optional. If your committee has submitted an intent to qualify for public funding, you may indicate with a Y character that you want this contribution to be matched by public funds.

Expenditure Fields

  • Column A – paid_date: Required field. List the date that the transaction took place with the format: MM/DD/YYYY (Note: for unpaid obligations, this is the due date of the unpaid obligation)
  • Column B – Amount: Required field. Format must be numeral with no currency and at most two decimal places.
  • Column C – entity_type: Required field. Enter either Organization, Individual, or Committee depending on the type of entity
  • Column D – first_name: Required field if entity type is Individual. First name of individual
  • Column E – last_name: Required field if entity type is Individual. Last name of individual
  • Column F – organization_name: Required field if entity type is Organization or Committee. Name of the organization or committee involved in the transaction. A committee name must match a registered Denver committee.
  • Column G – address_1: Required field for the address of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee payees.
  • Column H – address_2: Optional field. Additional address field for address of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee payees.
  • Column I – City: Required field for the city of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee payees.
  • Column J – State: Required field for the state of the organization or individual. Provide the two letter abbreviation for the state. Not applicable to committee payees.
  • Column K – zip_code: Required field for the zip code of the organization or individual. Not applicable to committee payees.
  • Column L – Purpose: Required field. A short description of the types of goods or services purchased.
  • Column M – unpaid_obligation: Indicated with a Y character if the expenditure is unpaid as of the transaction date
  • Column N – fair_election_fund_expense: If your committee has received finding from the fair elections fund and this expenditure was made with these funds, indicate this with a Y character
  • Column O – expenditure_category: Required field if expenditure is a fair election fund expense, optional for other expenditures. Enter one of the codes listed in column D, corresponding to the category in column E that best fits the expenditure.
  • Column P – post_election_exemption: Indicate with a Y character if the expenditure was made after the election date.