About the VA Large Expenditure Report

Applies To: Virginia – Political Action Committees (PACs)
Large Pre-Election Expenditure Report (LER)

This report is to be used when reporting any any single expenditure made of $1,000 or more considered to be large expenditures. This includes expenses, accrued expense payments and Support/Oppose Memos.

Because the VA Large Expenditure Report only allows for ONE and ONLY ONE transaction per report, you may have to file several reports.
To ensure the report is generated properly, here are the steps to follow to make sure you generate all the LER reports you need:
  1. If you know the name of the payee, you can search for that in the Entity drop down. If not, keep the drop down blank, and the report will automatically select a payee.
  2. Generate a LER report.
  3. Review the data.
  4. File the report with the state, and then click Mark As Filed once you receive confirmation.
  5. Click Regenerate. The payee automatically selected in Step 1 will be skipped and the next one selected in alphabetical order.
  6. Repeat until all payees have a LER report. If there are no more transactions, you will get a warning there are no transactions on the report.

This report should be used if the Filer Committee spent $1000 or more via expense, accrued expense, or Support/Oppose Memo made

  • May 26 and the third Tuesday in June in odd-numbered years; or
  • October 8 and the November General Election Day; or
  • in the 24 hours prior to the third Tuesday in June -or- the November General Election Day.


  • The report must be filed by the following day in the first two scenarios; but by midnight of the same day in the last scenario
  • The itemization is calculated only with expenditures made in the above periods preceding an election. Please ensure the From Date corresponds with the first date of the corresponding before the upcoming election.

To file your report, download the PDF or .csv, and hand enter the information in the Virginia Department of Elections website – this data CANNOT be imported.