About Individual Records

Entity records in ISP are designed to house numerous pieces of valuable information. Below is a breakdown of what you’ll find in an Individual record.

At the top of each record you’ll find basic information, such as the name and Occupation and Employer info. If there is any contribution information, you’ll see a wrench icon where you can choose to display Key Stats, such as Most Recent Contribution, Total Donations, and more. If contact information is available, such as Email or Phone, you’ll have options to call or email them directly, as well as view their address on a map.

If you are a Federal filer and have a foreign address, the FEC recommends you keep the State Abbreviation blank and put the City, County Code, and Postal Code in Address Line 2.

If you need to make any edits to the name and other basic individual information, click on the green triangle in the top right corner to display a window where edits can be made.

In nearly all of the sections on the page, you’ll have the option to add information. Again, this done by clicking the green triangle in the right corner of the section. Some of these sections are Transactions, Flags, Relationships, Notes, and more.

If the individual is a Candidate of a committee, use the Candidate Info section on the right to add Office Sought or Office Held information. This data can play an important role when it comes to Compliance reports, including any affiliations to their committee in the Relationships section.

In the bottom right corner of each Individual record is an Elected Officials section. Here will display information about the officials in that entity’s area. This will be based on the address in the record itself. If you see no information in the Elected Officials section, double check the address to ensure it is properly formatted.

At the bottom of the page, use the Advanced Tools drop-up menu to make the record Inactive or Delete the record. The Delete option will not be available when the record contains critical information, such as financial transactions, for example.

Finally, you can print the record details or export it to a Call Sheet using the Print/Export button at the bottom of the screen. In the Advanced Tools option, you have the ability to change a record from Individual to Organization, or vice versa. You can also see if any combining happened with this record and undo that if desired.

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