About Compliance Tools

Compliance Tools are reports designed to help you keep your financial records in the best condition possible and avoid getting in trouble with filing agencies.

The following reports are available:

  • Best Practices: Use this report to review any potential mistakes you may be making while working in your database
  • Cash vs Bank Balance: Use this report to find out which transactions are causing the discrepancy between Cash on Hand and Bank Balance values
  • Cash vs Net Worth: Use this report to determine what transactions make up the difference between Cash on Hand and the Net Worth amount
  • Changed Reconciled Transactions: Use this report to view a list of transactions that have had information changed after they have been included in a reconciled bank statement
  • Changed Transactions: Use this report to view a list of transactions that have been added, deleted, or edited after a specific date or report (if marked as filed has been used when filing)
  • Check Transaction Limits: The Check Transaction Limits report allows you to generate a report of transactions that may be over the allowable transaction limits. 
  • Contributions from Couples: Use this report to gather a list of records entered in the system as a couple and make corrections to transactions attributed to the couple instead of the individual, as required by law
  • Deleted Transactions: Use this report to view and restore transactions that were deleted within a given date range
  • Expenditure Limit: Use this report help with staying within legal expenditure limits
  • IRS Form 1099-MISC/NEC: Use this report to get the necessary information for preparing IRS Form 1099-NEC (Formerly 1099-MISC)
  • Missing Addresses: Use this report to gather a list of records missing any piece of the address and make corrections
  • Missing Attachment Report: Used in conjunction with the Dropbox integration, this report allows you to easily isolate transactions that do not have a file (receipt, invoice, etc.) attached to them.
  • Missing Candidate Links: Use this report to view and edit candidate committees that are not linked to a candidate
  • Missing Committee ID Numbers: Use this report to review and update Political Committees that do not have Committee ID Numbers
  • Missing Compliance Notes: Use this report to view and update any transactions that are missing a Compliance Note
  • Missing Occupation/Employer: Use this report to gather a list of records with no Occupation and/or Employer listed and make corrections
  • Moved Reconciled Transaction: Use this report to view transactions that were moved to a different financial account after being reconciled
  • Partnerships Without Splits: Use this report to view any transactions from Partnerships, LLCs, or LLPs that do not have Splits
  • PO Box: Use this report to gather a list of records that contains a transaction and uses a PO Box for their primary reportable address
  • Potential Duplicate Transactions: Use this report to determine if transactions are doubling up
  • Subvendors: Use this report to verify expenses have the correct subvendors and the details associated with them are correct
  • Support Oppose Comparison: Use this report to review Support/Oppose memos in your database and ensure the amounts match the expense they’re associated with