How Do I Add Online Donations via ISP’s API?

ISPolitical supports submissions of online donations and other public forms via a rest API. If this is your first time with API submissions, please read up on the authentication requirements and process in ISP.

Below is an API sample submission for a monetary contribution. Additional data may be submitted. Please see our full list of available fields.

Please be aware arrays can be empty or excluded if empty. Blank values should not be submitted for those.

Sample Submission

   "Employer":"The United States",
   "Company":"The White House",
   "Line1":"1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW",
   "Notes":"Good luck with the campaign!",
   "Source":"Fall Fundraiser",
         "NoteForInternal":"Friends of Abe Club"
         "PhoneNumber":"(202) 456-1111",
         "PhoneNumber":"(202) 456-1000",